Thursday, November 19, 2009

Semi-Finals Preview

The Predators are coming off a huge 1st round 7-0 win against the Seed Men. In the Semi-Finals they face the #1 seeded Gunners. In the final week of the session the Predators were beaten by the Gunners 33-13. The Predators hung around in the game into the second half playing tough defense, but were eventually worn down by the Gunners. They have tons of speed and quickness. They also rank #1 in offense and defense and the only time they've been truly tested was in a 28-20 week 5 win against Team Ice. The Predators will need to have no give aways and create some takeaways to come away with a win. It will also be important that the Predators keep their heads in the game. The Gunners are notorious for talking smack and being classless. So ignoring their taunts and just focusing on what they can control is vital. The game will be more difficult because they will not have #2 Long in the lineup. He has accounted for tons of the Predator offense and has been very accountable knocking away passes, intercepting passes and making pulls the entire session. His size and athleticism will also be greatly missed in match up situations. The Predators will be and have been missing #42 Clapper and #50 Price for this game and the last several weeks. #42 Clapper's ability to cover a lot of ground in a short period of time would have made it more difficult for the Gunners deep attack. Also, his speed and quickness would have helped the Predators equalize the speed and quickness that the Gunners bring. And #50 Price's acceleration and ability to change direction will be sorely missed at the rusher position. They will be activating #11 Brown for some depth and he brings an extra boost of speed and athleticism. The Predators will need to find a spot for him and get him comfortable quickly because there will be no time to waste. The winner of this game will be playing in the Championship Game at 9pm immediately following the Semi-Finals. The teams will be playing either #2 Team Ice or #3 Martindale, who play in the other Semi-Final. Martindale beat #6 seeded Pat Catan's in a close match up. Martindale lost big to Team Ice 33-0 in week 3.

Offensively the Predators will come with there normal lineup and game plan this week minus #2 Long. The Predators keep losing players but the concept is still the same, get open, make good throws, and catch the ball. The Predators will need to continue their plan of attack of finding holes in the zone defense. The QB will need to find the hole and get it their quickly because the Gunners defense closes on the ball very quickly. The Predators will need to play sound fundamental football to be successful. Making solid throws, catching passes, and not making mental errors will be vital to the Predators success in this game. All Predator receivers need to run to the soft spot in the zone, even if it means adjusting your route when the play begins. And when the Predators get scoring opportunities they need to take full advantage of them and punch it in. The Gunners are the most difficult defense to play against in the league. They are fast, smart and organized. But if the Predators focus on the things they can control (unforced errors), then they will be in this game at the end.

In this game defensively the Predators will also tested. From top to bottom the Gunners have the fastest, most athletic team in the league. One way to try and take away a teams speed and athleticism is to stop it before it starts. When the ball leaves the Quarterbacks hand the Predator defenders need to be flying to the receiver and make the pull before the receiver can get into open space and make something happen. The Gunners hurt the Predators in their first meeting getting yards after catches. If the Predators can anticipate what the Gunners are doing offensively, kill the play once the catch is made, then the Predators can be successful. The Predators will also need to take some chances and create some interceptions. One weakness the Predators solid defense has is converting easy interceptions. That has been a bit of a struggle for the Predator defense this session. The Gunners like to send two deep and two underneath and they go to any option. They also run pitch motion, run the ball a bit and have planned laterals. The pass rush is also huge. The rushers will have to get to the QB and keep him in front of them. This QB is very good at making rushers miss and buying time. This QB waits for the rusher to get to him and fakes one way then goes the other. How well the rushers get to the QB and disrupt his timing will be crucial to the Predators success in this game. In a nut shell, the Predators need to make pulls quickly, convert interceptions and disrupt the QB to be successful. If they do those things along with playing turnover free ball offensively, the Predators can get it done tonight.

The Predators have come so far. They find themselves in the Semi-Finals with Championship hopes still alive on the final night of the session. They have earned where they are and they know anything can happen in the playoffs. There is no doubt from management that the Predators will come out and play hard against a very good opponent. If they focus on the task at hand and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves in the game tonight, they can be victorious. It will not be easy and the chips are stacked against them but the Predators will suit up once more this session and play the Gunners tonight at 8pm in the Semi-Finals.

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