Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Season Ends In Frustration

The Predators lost again by twenty some points to a good team. They tried to mix it up and go with a different strategy on both sides of the ball, but it didn't go the way they hoped. The Bumslingers were smart and strategic and chipped away at the Predators defense. Three of their five TD's came on 4th down conversions. Two of which were long passes where the Predators had breakdowns in coverage. Offensively the Predators came with a different approach. #33 Price handled the snaps and played okay. By no means did he light up the defense, but he tried to open up the offense and get players into position to succeed. #7 Brown played the utility back and threw for a TD and a INT and also made a few solid runs for the offense. The Predators had trouble getting into a mix, but that is expected when you are trying new things. They did a nice job at the beginning of the second half when #33 Price drove them down to the one. He hit #15 Starosta over the middle that picked them up a first down. Later he hit #11 Brown on a 3rd down that got them down to the one. #7 Brown capitalized when he found #45 Price on 4th down for a TD. Defensively for the game the Predators wanted to play better, but missed assignments and penalties hurt their chances to get back into the game. The new formation they used worked well and disrupted what the Bumslingers wanted to do, but it still wasn't enough. The only real Predators highlights on the night was immediately after the game ended. They had just lost their fourth straight game, ending the season with a disappointing 3-7 record. The team began to pack up their gear and to put it lightly, some where a bit frustrated.

#45 Price identified the elephant in the room, #7 Brown and #33 Price let their emotions be felt, and the rest of the Predators watched as the squad came to the breaking point. The season was over and the Predators were a mess. Midway through the season the Predators were holding it together and somehow it all fell apart. The Predators were 3-3 and in playoff position. They got blind sided in the game of the season by the Green Footballs(with a ringer) and the season snowballed out of control. They got creamed in week 8, then lost to the Highlanders(winnable game) and finally got out played badly in the finale.

At this point season 4 is a question mark. The Predators need a roster that can show up and compete no matter who's the opposing team. As the the Predators have learned, this league is more physical then they thought and every team badly wants to win. This season the Predators took a big step backwards from last season. The future seemed bright and the Predators were excited about what would happened next after last season. But as this season closed moral was the lowest it has ever been. The excitement for next season just wasn't there. The season is over and you are what your record is, and for the Predators that's 3-7. What happens next? Well, I can't see the Predators packing it in just yet.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 10

This week the Predators play the third place Bumslingers. The last time the teams met the Predators lost 6-27. They are a very good team and regularly make the playoffs when they play in the league. They are big and have an excellent QB. The Predators come into the game 3-6 and on a three game losing streak. The Predators will come with a new look both offensively and defensively. The Predators will be out #8 Wagar this week, so #15 Starosta will come back to the offensive side of the ball. Defensively the Predators will also be changing things up. They will move a few players around and experiment with some new formations. The season has taken a turn for the worse and the Predators need to shake things up. We will see what they have in store tonight, when the face the Bumslingers at 9pm.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Losing Streak Grows Larger

The Predators (3-6) losing streak is now at three as they lost Sunday to the Highlanders (2-6) 19-25. The Highlanders scored on every possession but their last two in each half. One of which they were just trying to run out the clock. Their quarterback picked apart the defense and the Predators couldn't adjust. Changing personnel mid drive has worked well for the Predators this season, but it hurt them on this night. Offensively the Predators did a decent job moving the ball, but two turnover on downs were the difference on the scoreboard. The loss really hurts the Predators chances of making the playoffs. The Predators still want to get in, but if they can't beat the worst team (record wise), they don't really deserve to be there.

On the first drive the Predators turned the balls over. They picked up a first down but then couldn't punch it in. On the next series the Highlanders got to work moving the ball down field easily. By way of multiple slants the Predators couldn't defend. Their flag pulling in the game was solid. They didn't miss many and it forced the Highlanders to continually execute, too bad they did. They scored on the series and led 6-0. The Predators came back quickly chipping away at the defense. They struck it big when #8 Wagar found #45 Price deep down the middle of the field for a TD, giving Price the team lead with six on the year.

On the next series the Highlanders again moved the ball down field throwing short over the middle. Then at mid field they hit a long one over the middle for a score. Putting them up 12-6. The Predators are configuring a new defense because their regular defense has become stale and has been picked apart three straight weeks. The Predators got the ball back and answered again. On the first play #7 Brown found #8 Wagar deep down the right sideline for another big score. The point after gave the Predators a 13-12 lead.

The Highlanders moved the ball down field again hitting quick slants and putting them into position to score with little time on the clock. Good defensive plays in the end zone by #2 Long and #11 Brown held the Highlanders from scoring. Giving the Predators a one point lead at half time.

The Highlanders got the ball as the second half began and moved it down field. They converted on fourth down at mid field with a good pass and catch. Then after a couple of plays #10 Piskac picked up a unnecessary roughness call and gave the Highlanders 1st and goal from the ten. The Predators forced the Highlanders into 4th down and the Predators called for a personnel change. The personnel before the change held the Highlanders out three straight plays and where in the entire series. The Predators should've stood pat and gave them one more play. Personnel switches have been something that helped the Predators throughout the season, but in this case it came back to bite them. The Highlanders scored putting them up 19-13. The Predators came back firing. Using their quick pitch plays, which gave #7 Brown and #8 Wagar the option to run, put them in a double threat and opened up the field for receivers. It resulted in the Predators moving the ball effortlessly down field. The Predators scored from one yard out when #7 Brown bench pressed the ball to #33 Price immediately after the snap, evening the score 19-19.

The first play of the next series was the play of the night. #11 Brown appeared to get picked on the play and the Highlanders hit another quick slant that resulted in a very long touchdown catch. The referees never seem to call picks right up on the line of scrimmage. The Predators are currently putting that cheap stuff in the playbook. The play was a punch in the face and the Predators did not recover.

The Predators got the ball back and moved the ball well early in the series. #11 Brown and #33 Price made the most of short passes picking up yards after the catch. They converted a first down then fell right back into their love for deep passes. Three consecutive deep pass incompletions ended the drive and gave the ball back to the Highlanders with little time remaining. The Highlanders slowed down #33 Price from getting to the quarterback on the drive and for the entire game with good blocking and quick passes. They did a nice job of making #33 Price a non factor defensively. They picked up a quick first down and ran the ball until they turned it over with six seconds to go. The Predators nearly answered on the final play as they had a long catch and run, but a flag was pulled 15 yards from the goal line. The game ended at 19-25.

This was a difficult loss for the Predators and most likely ended their playoff chances. There is still one game this season and you know the Predators will dust themselves off and get back out onto the field. Next week look for the Predators to mix things up both offensively and defensively. They are looking to go with different personnel at different positions the rest of the way. Defensively they are going to add a two LB, two CB and one S formation. Which is different from their one LB, two CB, and two S look. They will look to combine their White and Red defense into one defense. The defense is designed to help on quick, short routes. They will still have their normal defenses but add a much needed new one. Offensively they will move more into a quick pitch offense utilizing #7 Brown's and #8 Wagar's passing and running abilities. It is also designed to get #2 Long and #45 Price more involved. They both have combine for 10 TD's, but the Predators have not gotten them involved enough. Look for some players to switch sides of the ball because the Predators are going with a new look. The season hasn't gone the way the Predators have hoped. Though breaks, along with a ringer QB, have snowballed the season out of control, but the Predators love to play and will continue to do so, next week, and in the future.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Week 9

The Highlanders (1-6) are an experienced squad with the comish of the league at quarterback, so you know their going to get the calls. But the Predators (3-5) are used to getting shafted by calls so it shouldn't make a difference. Their QB is crafty like an experienced vet, but is banged up from injuries over the years. The rest of their team has some age to them but they do have some youth and speed. One thing that has been apparent is the Highlanders can catch the ball. We have seen some great catches by their receivers this season. Their defense is disciplined as well. They do not possess superior athleticism, but they play organized zone defense. They have even shown zone in the goal line. They've shown an almost bubble like goal line zone defense. Where they overload the flats with corner backs and the safeties play behind them, with the linebacker covering the deep middle. It is an interesting concept because most teams try to attack the sidelines in goal line situations. It does make the defense extremely vulnerable in the short middle, especially short catch and runs. Offensively they attack short like most teams and give their specialists the task of picking up the yardage they need to move the chains. If the effort in the flag pulling department isn't better than last week, then you can chalk up another loss for the Predators. A loss tonight will come with extra baggage, a losing season and practically certain playoff elimination.

Last week the Highlanders lost a tough 14-20 game against the Salvidors. It was tied at the half, but they couldn't muster enough up in the second half. The first half ended as a Highlander player caught a 3 yard pass, 60 yards from the end zone, just trying to wind down the clock, and he nearly took it all the way for the score, making several Salvidor players miss in the process. The Highlanders are smart and they appear to stick together even know their season isn't going as planned. The Predators need to be ready for this game and should expect a hungry Highlanders team that will scratch and claw for a win.

Last week the Predators were on a high coming off a bye and comfortably in 4th place. They played two games and lost both of them. The first against the Green Footballs who with the win leaped frogged the Predators in the standings. The second was a 0-35 beat down by the Gunners and put them in an even deeper hole. Overall last weekend the offense played extremely poor football. #7 Brown had his hand in much of it. He was short on his deep throws against the Green Footballs that prevented deep receptions of getting to the end zone. And against the Gunners his passes were high, wide or short. He did throw many good passes, but when he did the Predator receivers did a good job of dropping them. #2 Long, #11 Brown and #45 Price need to be accountable and finish off throws by catching them if the pass is in range. The defense also played way below expectations. #33 Price and #52 Oberhaus missed way too many flag pulls, giving opposing offenses bonus yards with the extra opportunity. #1 Clark also played his first couple of forgettable games by having a disappointing weekend with missed assignments in the secondary that hurt the defense. The lone bright spot last weekend was the play of #8 Wagar, who against the Green Footballs threw a TD, caught a TD and intercepted a pass.

Going forward if the Predators perform the fundamentals better then they will play much more effectively. If they make smarter decisions passing, not drop so many passes, make flag pulls quickly and knock down passes when the opportunity is there then they will win. It may sound like a broken record but when things start to go the wrong direction, go back and remind yourself the basic principles of the game and think about the core fundamentals of being successful. Let's see what the Predators can do tonight as they get back off the turf to play against the Highlanders at 9pm.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Back to the Drawing Board

In week 8 the Predators once again fell victim to the Gunners. On both sides of the ball the Gunners played well. They made quick flag pulls on the Predators and their quick striking offensive plays were working at full strength. The attitude was good for the Predators going into the game and they felt they had a game plan to compete. But it obviously wasn't good enough and the lack of execution hurt them. The final score was 0-35.

The Predators will now go back to the drawing board and see if they can get it going again next week against the Highlanders (1-6). The Highlanders have struggled this season but have lost 3 of their 7 games by less than one score. Their one win came when they beat down the Falcons 33-8. At this point in the season with two games to go the Predators are in fifth place at 3-5. They are one spot out of the playoffs behind the 4-4 Green Footballs. After the Predators play the Highlanders they will finish with the Bumslingers, who are 5-3 and beat the Predators 27-6 a few weeks ago. The Green Footballs last two games are against Team Ice (5-2), who just lost to the Bumslingers and their QB was nowhere to be found, and the Salvidors (3-5), who are the only other team still eligible to make the playoffs. The Green Footballs beat the Salvidors 33-25 in week six. But just because a team beats another team one time doesn't mean it will happen again, just ask the Predators. The Salvidors play the Gunners for their ninth game, so you can pretty much count them out of the playoffs. They also lost to the Gunners 35-0 their first go around.

But what if all three teams end up with the same record you ask? Well I will tell you. The tie breaker always goes to head-to-head match ups. But the Predators are 1-1 against the Green Footballs you ask? Well, let me clear that up too. If both teams are tied head-to-head then the tie breaker goes to point differential for the entire season. Currently the Predators (-63) are 14 points behind the Green Footballs (-49). Both teams do not have an easy road the final two games. The Predators most likely need to win both of their final games to give themselves a chance. The Green Footballs need to finish 1-1 in their final two and play poorly to give the Predators the chance to sneak past them.

The Predators now need help to get into the playoffs. They knew a win over the Green Footballs would put them on cruise control going into the playoffs and a loss would back them into a corner. And what makes it worse is management got wind that the ringer QB (last falls championship runner-up QB) the Green Footballs got to play called off work to come play against them because the Green Footballs Captain (#24) knew they couldn't beat the Predators without him and the league may not see that QB again the rest of the way. It goes to show you this is not real football, anything can happen, ringers could show at any time and the Predators always need to be ready. A few weeks ago the Green Footballs called on a couple other quarterbacks, who played on championship teams (Ticknors), to come and play for one game to get wins, and they did. Management also got wind that the Gunners were not really good buddies or family, like the Predators, before playing together. They were built to dominate the league, and that they do. So don't hang your heads Predators.

Week 8

The Predators play the Gunners in week 8. They are 7-0 and carving up the league. They are the model team in the PFL and the Predators know how they have to play to beat them. In the past the Gunners have gotten into the Predators heads. The Predators need to focus on their game and not worry what the other team is saying. It is always good to play the Gunners because it really gives a team a measurement of how good they can play. They play tonight at 9pm.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Predators Blow Opportunity, Lose 21-30

The Predators came into this game knowing a win would put them in great position of making the playoffs. They also knew a loss would put them on the outside looking in. The Predators lost the game 21-30 and fell to 5th place in the standings. They fell behind early and ran out of time, pushing to get back into the game. The game started rocky when the Predators turned the ball over on the first possession and the Green Footballs capitalized going up 0-6. On the next drive the Predators answered when #11 Brown made a circus TD catch on the right side of the field. The ball was tipped a couple times and #11 Brown grabbed it and tipped toed both feet in bounds. #11 Brown had a good game and showed great effort from start to finish. The Predators tied the game 6-6, but was unfortunately the only time they were close to leading. After that the Green Footballs QB dissected the Predator defense. Recognizing man and zone defenses after the snap and constantly making smart decisions placing the football in the best possible situation. The Predators struggled making flag pulls and plays on passes the entire night. The Green Footballs gave the Predators many gifts early on by dropping numerous passes. If not for those the Predators may have gotten blow out. #33 Price, who got 2 sacks in the game, played well early pulling the Green Football QB's flags but was just a split second late time after time after time. #33 had two misses on the QB the entire night and both were very costly. One turned into a huge TD early in the second half that put the Green footballs up 24-6.

Then the Predators started their push. They moved the ball well the entire night with all Predator receivers contributing. #8 Wagar found #45 Price on a deep throw down the middle where it looked like a possible INT, but #45 bear clawed the pass out of the defenders grasp and found a way to scored. The play really ignited the Predators and started the come back push. #8 Wagar, who had a monster breakout game, threw a TD, caught a lateral for a TD and also had an interception. He's getting stronger as the weeks go by and is really starting to look comfortable wearing the red and gold. #45 Price, who had the outstanding circus catch, also made a couple other great catches. One in the first half down the sideline and he nearly took it to the house. It would have been good if he did because later on the series #7 Brown's pass to #2 Long was intercepted in the end zone. The Predators struggled getting #2 Long involved in the game, and for the last couple weeks. He made one mistake early that hurt the Predators, but they need to get him more involved. His defensive play has been solid. Anyone who attends Predator games should try to remember when the last time a pass has even been thrown down the deep left half of the field. It is difficult.

On the next defensive series after the #8 Wagar to #45 Price TD, the Predators caused their only turnover for the game when #8 Wagar intercepted a Green Footballs pass. The Predators answered on the next series when #11 Brown made a great call in the huddle suggesting the hook and ladder. #2 Long and #8 Wagar made it happen when #2 Long caught it clean and placed it perfectly in #8 Wagar's gut and #8 Wagar made one defender miss and took it for a score.

At this point the Predators cut the deficit to 21-24, but the defense couldn't make the stop. There were a number of defensive breakdowns in the game. In the first half two Predators missed flag pulls and the Green Footballs had a long catch and run for a TD. In the second half the Predators forced the Green Footballs into a fourth and long situation and appeared to have made the stop, but a receiver got behind the Predators secondary and made a nice diving catch that kept the drive alive. On the final defensive series the Predators forced the Green Footballs into a fourth and one and couldn't make the stop. The Green Footballs then continued the drive getting within five yards of a score with two plays to go. After a sack on 3rd down, the Predators gave themselves a chance forcing the Green Footballs into a 4th and 10-15. Down 21-24 with a little more than one minute to play the Green Footballs threw a long pass back across to the other side of the field into a crowd of players and the Predators couldn't knock it down.

The game ended and the Predators were disappointed. They made some uncharacteristic mistakes on defense that hurt them. Offensively they moved the ball pretty good, but the deep passes against man that worked so well earlier in the year didn't work as well in this game. They were a little off at times and couldn't take advantage.

At this point in the season the Predators are now on the outside looking in. After a 0-9 franchise start the Predators are just 10-9 since, playing .500 ball. Management knows it's important to stay positive and build on the things you do well, but sometimes you have to look in the mirror and be realistic. The Predators want to be a top team but you are what you record is and that is a sub .500 squad. And by no means is it from a lack of not trying. The Predators have good players that want to win but something is not right. Management hasn't got the job done and if the Predators want to go to the next level changes need to be made. That goes for decision making and personnel on the field. The Predators show flashes of excellent play, but numbers don't lie and they are currently a 3-4 team and 10-9 over their last 19. We know the Predators will never give up and they love playing together, but how long is too long when you do the same thing over and over and expect a different result, but the result remains the same?

As a team the Predators will move on from this difficult loss and put it behind them. They must do it quickly because they face the Gunners (7-0) on Monday night.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Week 7

This week the Predators play the Green Footballs. Last time the teams met the Predators won convincingly 41-6. The Green Footballs were win less at the time but they have improved since that game. They beat the Salvidors like the Predators, but the Predators struggled a bit more with the Salvidors. The Green Footballs have added a few players to their squad to boost output and it has certainly worked. The Predators need to be conscious of the Green Footballs and not look past them to Mondays game against the Gunners. The Green Footballs are a team with nothing to loose and that's always a scary thing. The Predators are currently 3-3 and with two difficult games left on the schedule, this game becomes even more important. Five wins will almost definitely put the Predators in the playoffs, due to tie breakers, so the Predators need to take care of business tomorrow night. They originally thought they would try to rest some players trying to gear up for the Gunners game. But realistically the Green Footballs game is in many ways more important for overall season success than the Gunners game. The Predators need this win to get into the playoffs and when they do the Gunners will be there waiting. They don't neccessarily need to beat the Gunners right now. It would be nice and all that, but at this point it will not make or break the season. A loss to the Green Footballs tomorrow could break the season. They don't want to put themselves in a poition where they have to beat the Gunners or the Bumslingers. The Green Footballs are the next team on the schedule and the Predators will not take them lightly. They will play their best units and then once the game is over they can start examining the next opponent. The Predators are heavily favored to win this one. Some may say this is uncharted waters for the Predators. It will be interesting to see how well they handle being heavy favorites. Will they answer the call and hammer the Green Footballs again, or will they lay an egg and put themselves in position of missing the playoffs? We will see tomorrow night at 7pm when the Predators face the Green Footballs.