Monday, April 26, 2010

Gunners Beat Predators 25-0

The Predators ended up losing to the Gunners by four scores, 0-25. It definitely isn't the outcome the Predators are looking for, but there were many positives that came out of the game. It is always difficult to lose to the same team five straight times, especially when it is against the three time champs and they win in such a classless fashion. The Predators never quit during the game and kept their composure throughout. They made some mistakes and had some questionable coaching decisions in the second half and it ultimately turned out looking ugly.

In the first half the Predators played good defense. They were making pulls and putting pressure on the QB. The Gunners scored on a long drive, but the Predators didn't make it easy for them. Two plays after the score, the Predators turned the ball over deep in their own territory and it led to another quick Gunners score. Offensively in the first half, the Predators did a nice job of completing passes, but it wasn't enough to get them into scoring position. They had many penalties that halted drives and they were too much to overcome. The Predators were in the game at halftime down 0-13.

The Predators started with the ball in the second half and they drove the ball down to the Gunners goal line. They had a fourth and three and were unable to convert when a #7 Brown pass slipped through #2 Long's hands. It was a tough missed opportunity. #11 Brown, who led the Predator attack both offensively and defensively, made many nice catch and runs and also had 2 interceptions and many pulls. #1 Clark also played well defensively converting on pulls when the opportunities presented themselves. It was also good to see #33 Price back from injury. He made many catches and moved around well. But on defense, especially in the second half, he didn't have the extra step he needed to fluster the Gunner QB. It resulted in too much time for the Predator defensive backs to cover the field and the QB made them pay. The Predators also started going for it on 4th down with more than ten minutes left and it resulted in Gunner scores. A coaching mistake that will not happen again. #7 Brown also seemed to improve his game. He completed a number of passes to many receivers, but with one costly interception, there is still room for improvement. But in his defense, a couple of good passes where wasted by Predator receivers. One to #33 Price down the right sideline where he stopped on the play. It was also good to see #2 Long for the first time this season. He made some catches, especially a nice one deep in the second half. #10 Piskac also played well defensively. He broke up a couple passes and stood his ground from the CB position.

If you look at the game overall, the Gunners scored twice in each half. Only one of their scores was a full drive that started on their ten, which was the first score. The other score in the first half was on a turnover deep in Predator territory. In the second half, they scored on a Predator mistake in coverage and the final score was after the Predators went for it on fourth down and left the Gunners deep in Predator territory. Take away the first half turnover, the mistake in coverage, and the decisions to keep going for it on fourth down and the Predators are in the game 0-7. And the Predators went for it three straight times in their territory and the Gunners only got one score. Then if you add in the drop pass on fourth down in the end zone early in the second half and the Predators are in the game. Furthermore, defensively a faster, more confident on his knee #33 Price in a month when the Predators meet the Gunners again will be a added boost. To go even farther, the Predators are out two players and lost another one again tonight in #8 Wagar, who will get more used to the game and his output will increase tremendously. The Predators will also be getting #15 Starosta more involved as the season goes along, as he is also new to the squad.

A win is there for the taking. It is spelled out right here in front of you. The Predators will move on from this lose and come even stronger next week. They need to get a win on the board and jump start this season. The Predators will get back on track and salvage this season. They will take it one game at a time and get it done. It starts this Sunday at 10pm.

Week 2

Nobody in the league has a start to their season quite like the Predators. Out of the gates the Predators play two of the best teams and those two games will show just how far the Predators can go. In week 1 it did not go very well, the Predators tried to keep it close but eventually were worn down by Team Ice in the second half. In that game it was the first time 40 points were scored against a Predator team in 21 games. This week it does not get any easier. The Predators are going up against the Gunners, who currently hold three straight titles. The Predators need to be much better on pulls and not turn the ball over to be successful. The Predators know if they do these things they will be successful against any team. But the real question is, can they actually do that? The answer is probably not. This will be the fifth meeting against the Gunners and the same old, tired result is likely. The Predators will likely struggle to get pressure on the QB. Then once the pass is thrown the Predators will most likely not put themselves in close proximity to the receiver to make the pull quickly, and kill the play, before the Gunners speed and athleticism makes them pay. And they will likely force passes and drop passes which will result in turnovers and punting situations. The final score will look something like this. First meeting against Gunners, 2-25, second, 0-34, third, 13-33, and last seasons semi final, 0-35. So you can bet on that the Predators will find themselves down three to five scores when the final whistle blows. The Predators have three main objectives to the game. First, the Predators need to put consistent pressure on the QB and get him off his rhythm. Second, once the ball is thrown they need to be on the receiver when the ball gets there to make the pull, because as we've seen, the Gunners are faster and better in space than the Predators. Ending plays as quickly as possible is huge if the Predators are going to have a chance. Third objective, offensively zero turnovers, no dropped passes and completing a string of consecutive passes to keep drives going, which will keep the ball out of the Gunners hands. If the Predators can do those things they will find themselves in the game at the end. If not, we will likely see another end result that you saw above.

To make matters worse. The Predators will not have #45 Price (shoulder), and #52 Oberhaus (hand), playing today. Two important players in the Predator attack. #33 Price will be a game time decision. One thing we know about the Predators is that they never give up. When the chips are stacked against them they have found ways to win and keep their playoff hopes alive. A solid performance tonight is just what the Predators need. To prove they can compete with the best of the best would really boost moral and give them a jump start to the rest of the season. What will we see from the Predators? Will it be the same old result on the score board or will the Predators meet the challenge? We will find out tonight at 10pm when the Predators battle the Gunners.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Predators Get Iced! Lose 7-40

Going into the season opener the Predators knew they had some stiff competition. Team Ice was coming off a disappointing Semi Finals lose and was hungry to get back to their winning ways. Team Ice capitalized on Predator turnovers and played crisp, organized offense en route to a 40-7 victory. Defensively, the Predators did not show their usually hard nose, bend don't break defense. Team Ice took advantage of extra time and gaping holes in the Predators zone defense. Team Ice converted on big play opportunities and they were too overwhelming for the Predators. Offensively, the Predators moved the ball relatively effectively, but with three turnovers and two turnover on downs, the Predators couldn't do enough to keep it close.

In the first half the Predators did a better job than in the past completing passes, but struggled on first downs completing passes, which ended up forcing them into third and long situations, which they could not convert. #1 Clark, #8 Wagner(Wagar), #11 Brown and #45 Price all caught multiple receptions in the game, but the Predators couldn't put together multiple solid plays in row to complete an overall successful drive in the first half. Defensively, the Predators had trouble containing Team Ice's offense. Along with two costly turnovers, which led to scores, the Predators faced a 0-13 deficit late in the first half. The Predators did stop Team Ice on downs as time expired at the end of the first half to give them hope at half time for a possible comeback.

In the second half the Predators played better on offense. Moving the ball into to scoring position. #7 Brown found #45 Price for a touchdown on the right side and #11 Brown converted the point after. But the Predators squandered two other possessions in scoring position, which led to Team Ice touchdowns. Defensively in the second half the Predators continued to struggle stopping Team Ice's offense. They tried to make plays to get back into the game and ultimately led to Team Ice scores. Team Ice scored one more touchdown as time ran down and the final score resulted as a 7-40 lose.

Although the score was ugly, the Predators did many things to build on. The offense moved the ball and a few times put them in scoring position. But turnovers once again was the Predators achillies heel. The defense did not play to their potential, but history shows the Predators will get that corrected. The Predators also had two key players out and lost another, #52 Oberhaus, early in the game which affected the final score.

The season is young and the Predators will come back to fight another day. Next week it doesn't get any easier as they play the three time defending champion Gunners. They have the best quarterback, best specialists, best defense and will truly be a measuring stick for the rest of the season. Only time will tell how the Predators respond to a humbling week 1.

2010 Spring Schedule

Sunday April 18th, 5:30 vs. Team Ice
Monday April 26th, 10:00 vs. Gunners
Sunday May 2nd, 10:00 vs. Falcons
Sunday May 9th, 10:00 vs. Green Footballs
Sunday May 16th, 5:30 vs. Bumslingers
Monday May 24th, 9:00 vs. Salvidors
Sunday June 6th, 7:00 vs. Green Footballs
Monday June 7th, 9:00 vs. Gunners
Sunday June 13th, 9:oo vs. Highlanders
Monday June 21st, 9:00 vs. Bumslingers

Sunday June 27th
Monday June 28th
There are 8 teams in the league. Top 4 go to Winners bracket and bottom 4 go to Toilet bracket. TBA on which date is the winners bracket and toilet bracket. If we win the first round in either bracket on that day you play a double header immediately following.
Lets have fun this season and most importantly, stay healthy.

Week 1

To kick off the season the Predators will face Team Ice in week 1. Last season the Predators lost to Team Ice 7-27 in a game that was much closer than the final score indicated. The Predators scored on their first possession (only time happened in franchise history) and was within one score with 10 minutes remaining in the game. A turnover in scoring position, then two quick scores by Team Ice quickly deflated the Predators and Team Ice won the game. For the first three quarters of the game the Predators played one of there best games against a very good opponent. The Predators will need a similar effort to have a chance in this one.

Team Ice is coming off a disappointing 3rd place in last falls season. After finishing with an 8-1 record and getting a first round by in playoffs, they unexpectedly lost in the semi finals to finish 3rd in the league. Team Ice will be very hungry to get back on the winning track, so the Predators will need to be ready. Offensively, the Predators will need to play mistake free. Team Ice last session had a rusher who wasn't very fast, but made accurate pulls on the QB when he got close. It's possible they have upgraded the position. Their specialists were also good so the Predators will need to be prepared.

The Predators will come with #7 Brown at QB. #1 Clark, #8 Wagar, #10 Piskac, #11 Brown, #15 Starosta, #45 Price and #52 Oberhaus will play the rest of the specialist positions. The Predators will be without #2 Long, who has family obligations, and #33 Price, still battling injury, for this game. Defensively, #10 Piskac will rush, #52 Oberhaus will play LB, #1 Clark and #45 Price will be at CB, and #7 Brown, #8 Wagar, and #11 Brown will round out the defense at the safety position. Team Ice has a very good QB, who is extremely accurate, but is not the fastest player in the league. The Predators will need to get pressure on the QB and make pulls to be successful.

The Predators will need to play well and give all they have to get a victory because they could be looking at a possible 0-2 start with a Week 2 match up against the Gunners, who are three time defending champs. The Predators battle Team Ice today at 5:30.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring 2010 Preview

Predators Session 3 is about to get underway. The Predators are excited for the new session and look forward to challenge. The Predators are coming off a solid 6-5 session where they advanced to the semi-finals. Last session could be characterized as a roller coaster ride with many ups and downs. But overall, the Predators stayed the course and achieved their pre session goals. But last session was last session and this session, expectations are even higher.

This session the Predators hope to get back in the winners bracket and advance to play for the championship. The Predators strength once again coming into this session is the defense. They will need similar output to build on what they did last fall. They will look to put pressure on opposing quarterbacks and force errant throws. And if the pass is completed, they will look to make pulls quickly and stop big plays before they start. Offensively during the off session, Predator management examined strengths and weaknesses of the team and the way in which the game is played. Management designed a fresh offensive philosophy to maximize the skills the Predators exhibit. They will look to control the ball and tempo more effectively and hope the end result is more points at games end.

The Predators have many solid players returning to the squad and some new ones to help make the Predator attack even more explosive. New, familiar faces to the team are O.P.'s (Original Predators) #10 Piskac and #11 Brown. #10 Piskac will help the Predators defensively with his quick feet and flag pulling abilities. #11 Brown we saw briefly last session in the playoffs, where he was brought up to play due to a plague of injuries the Predators suffered. He will be asked to increase the Predators offensive output and also help on defense. Other new players are #8 Wagar and #15 Starosta. #8 Wagar brings speed, arm strength, and soft hands to the team and the Predators will use those skills in a variety of ways. #15 Starosta brings a cannon on his right shoulder and the Predators will hope to to utilize that as the session progresses. He will also help the squad at the center position. The rest of the Predator roster includes; #1 Clark, #7 Brown (last sessions Most Improved), #33 Price (formerly #50), #45 Price, #52 Oberhaus (last sessions Defensive Player of the Year), and current Predator MVP #2 Long. With this roster the Predators session looks bright, but that's why they play the games.

The Predators first opponent is still unknown, but the session will get under way this Sunday, when the Predators will once again put on the red and gold. Look for the Week 1 Preview which will be out at weeks end.